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ChipGuide - A Catalog of Casino Chips and Collectibles
Barcelona, Spain
Type: Other
Status: Closed
Open: 1912, Close: 1927

During the first great war there was a large influx of refugees to Barcelona. The nightlife increased, and there were places where the gambling worked 24 hours - in cabarets, theaters, cafes, clubs, etc. With the repression of the authorities the gambling closed. In 1919 the Governor introduced a system of concession, being granted six gambling licenses (Café Tivoli, Stadium Club, Principal Palace, Folies Bèrgeres, Monte-Carlo and Eden-Concert). Two years later the licenses were 20, but the gambling was working everywhere. Barcelona became the Spanish gambling capital . The gambling houses have multiplied, being well-known the Casino Ideal Rosales, Parisina and Casino Turó Park. In the end of 1922 began a repressive campaign that led to the closure of almost all gambling houses in 1923. almost all gambling houses in 1923. Opened in 1912 as an amusement park, the Turó Park covers an area considerably broader than the existing gardens. The environment surrounding the site was still little urbanized and less built, with only a few isolated cases. Its construction is partly explained by the need for the upper middle class families in the city to have an amusement area near their farms. The number of attractions and recreational areas that could be found the Hill-Park was quite diverse and included the following facilities:café, restaurant, casino, Skating rink, roller coaster, etc The park closed in 1927, after the facilities suffered several fires.
Jetons - Older Currency [QuickView]
CG241420 Obsolete
Denom: 25
Added: 2020-05-14
Last Update: 2020-05-14

Metallic jeton 24mm. Special contribution from the authors of the fantastic book –FICHAS DE CASINOS ESPAÑOLES. SOCIEDADES Y JUEGO-1890/1960 ( Juan Luis Perello Zabala, Daniel Torres Mico , Francisco Macias Serrano).

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