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Fuenterrabia, Spain
Type: Land Based
Status: Closed
Open: 1874, Close: 1920s?

Fuenterrabia (Hondarrabia in Basque and also none in french as Fontarrabie) is a small city located in the Basque country,very close to the border with France.The small town by the sea had a great touristic development from the end of the late 19th century, much favored by the ban of the gambling in France. Had at time three casinos. Trains full of gamblers flocked to Hendaye, which passed the river by boat and and landed at Hondarrbia wharf. They spend the day gambling in the casinos and return to Hendaye by boat to take the last train. In 1872 was built the current palace "Villa Artazcoz” .Two years later (1874), an entrepreneur from Baden Baden, Emile Depressoir,, bought the villa, rehabilitated gardens and embellished the palace for the installation of a gambling casino initially called "Kursaal Fontarabie", finally known as "Le Casino de Fontarabie” (the owner was a french man).Decorated with great luxury , with a spacious garden had an excellent restaurant with daily musical performances . According to visitors, “The Casino de Hondarribia is the meeting point of the cosmopolitan high-life" and "moves over to other similar establishments". The casino was relatively short-lived, but very intense. Big tortunes were lost in its tables .Transformed in hospital during eurpopean cholera epidemic, would be shut down in the 20s. Today runs in the building a home for eldery named Kasino Zahara.
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Added: 2016-03-06
Last Update: 2016-03-06

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