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Rua dos Cafés
Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal
Type: Land Based
Status: Closed
Open: 1872

Póvoa de Varzim is a renowned and very popular beach in northern Portugal. In the nineteenth century possessed more than a dozen casinos, the most famous being the Café Chinês. Café Luso-Brazileiro was part of the hotel with the same name and was founded in 1872, by José Martins de Oliveira. It was a luxury Café , with gambling, billiards and coffee concert. Other gambling rooms were Café Chinês, Café Universal,Café Suisso, Café David, Café Allegria, Café Aliança, Café Nogueira and Café da Praia. The most important were undoubtedly the Café Chinês and the Café Universal.The gambling worked in those Cafés until the rules of the gambling in 1927, when the exclusive gambling in Póvoa de Varzim was delivered to Casino da Póvoa. Hotel Luso-Brasileiro still exist nowadays.
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