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Nafarrea Kalea1
Bilbao, Spain
Type: Other
Status: Open
Open: 1839
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In the spring of 1839, a group of locals decided to create a center of recreation and leisure where reign the bilbainidad and coexistence. A private Club ,English style , very elitist with very restricted access, where only men could be members. The first social local will be on the 1st floor of the house No. 5 of the Plaza Nueva . The Sociedad built a own building, with grand opening on January 25th 1913, in Nafarroa Kalea, 1 The building layout includes: bar, gambling rooms, library, meeting rooms, party rooms, restaurant, etc. The buoyant overall economic situation allowed the Bilbaina to open, in 1918, and exploded with great success, a gambling hall with roulette, that while subsisted, contributed strong gains to the coffers of the company., The managers of the Sociedad Bilbaina , had the great success of investing those profits in cultural and charitable activities. In 1923 it was implanted in Spain a dictatorship . The number of members declined . A further blow to the economy of the Society is given by the ban of gambling halls, by decree of the dictatorship in 1924. The Sociedad was affected by the civil war (1934-1935) situation. The building was seized and there established the Civil Government. On 1937 the Sociedad reopened, remaining opened until today.The Sociedad follows up meeting its goals. Within the strictly cultural section, presents a selection of events open to the general public, which include: art exhibitions, concerts, lectures , etc.
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